Wellbeing Hub

Check out our Wellbeing Hub with health and fitness tips to make the most of your sober month!

Regenerate a Healthy Liver

By Ashleigh Brunner on

You might be familiar with one of the following scenarios below:

  1. You’ve woken up for work with a ringing headache and are feeling pretty average. How did the work drinks cascade into a shower of champagne or a steady flowing abundance of delicious beer?
  2. The weather is getting colder, so justifies a good hearty glass of red by the fire – every night. For every degree colder this fosters furthur justification of a) A cheeky glass of port or desert wine to top the night off or b) Some/a block of chocolate to accompany the red wine.

Your lovely liver: An under valued vital organ that regulates many processes in your body. However, at this time of the year it’s starting to complain. Battered and bruised, its been fighting a little too hard.


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Manage Daily Life Stressors without drinking

By Jaye Hoelscher on

It’s a common scenario – it’s been a long day at work, maybe you’ve worked well overtime. You’re brain fried, frustrated, emotionally and physically exhausted.

One of the first things so many of us hear ourselves saying is: “I need a drink!” And when we get that first drink into us, there is this real feeling of “aahhhhhh”. A chance to breathe, relax and let go of the day’s stressors. That sigh –  that deep breathing – is something we clearly don’t need alcohol for – it’s just often we go until the end of a long day without ever taking a deep breath and allowing ourselves a moment to be still.

Work-reward scenario

Before always playing out this work-reward scenario and heading straight for the bottle every time the going gets tough,...

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10 Tips for Eating Out

By Peter Rule on

It can sometimes be a bit “too hard basket” to eat out when you’re on a “diet” or a specific health/food plan that limits what you can eat/drink, not to mention socially isolating; But it need not be like this.

Firstly you need to remember that if you are on a “diet” or a specific plan, whether you’ve done it yourself or a healthcare practitioner has advised you of it, the intention for it was clearly to maximise optimal health, so it was a choice and when you make a choice you can’t say that you are missing out, because you’re not. All this means is that you’ll need to think outside the box a little from what you would normally opt for.

Here are some tips to help you:

1) Read the menu thoroughly & ASK questions

Fancy words and poetic...

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